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We provide a full picture of your security posture 24-7-365


A Red Team Exercise is designed to reveal vulnerabilities in a company's security through hands-on testing, uncovering exposure and blind spots in the defenses of your processes and network safety.
we test your software defenses, your team’s response, your policies and procedures, and your overall readiness across the full attack surface.
We think like an attacker, a Red Team group acts as a malicious threat or challenger.
Red Team exercises encourage security teams to think as a protagonist, helping to recognize and fix all identified security weaknesses and processes, and so be in a state of readiness and already pre-prepared, boosting team collaboration and critical security thinking. Post-exercise reporting is important to document the how, what, and where, and to improve processes and business defenses for the future.

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There are two main types of PT, Infrastructure & Applications, we know how to uncover with our advanced cyber tools to reveal vulnerabilities in networks, applications, products, and platforms, and also identification of critical paths sophisticated hackers can leverage against your critical assets, advanced cyber tools and the great experience of our cyber experts Can give you and your organization a very great added value by discovering and correcting vulnerabilities.

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Threat modeling is a structured process with these objectives: to identify security requirements, know how to detect pinpoint security threats and potential vulnerabilities, quantify threat and vulnerability criticality, and prioritize remediation methods. Threat modeling methods create these artifacts: An abstraction of the system.
Threat modeling works by identifying the types of threat agents that cause harm to an application or computer system. It adopts the perspective of malicious hackers to see how much damage they could do



By building proactive cyber protection
We know how to strengthen your organizational resilience, by integrating threatening intelligence findings into your existing cyber security environment.
We know how to achieve visibility beyond your organization And understand where the potential attackers are active, what tools they are using, and what they are planning.
We know how to give the organization a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) platform that will allow SOC teams to run a proactive and proactive analytics CTI operation. With access to research capabilities, knowledge and threat intelligence databases, SOC teams can accurately identify external threats, prevent attacks and ensure resilience.

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How a hacker sees the organization from the outside.
Where are the hacker attack surfaces, and the organization's weaknesses that the information security systems do not see and recognize, our cyber experts with the advanced systems know how to monitor and stop the unknown attacks outside the organization.

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How a hacker sees the organization from the inside, approaches, and attacks.
What happens when a hacker gets an initial foothold in your network?
Once an organization’s perimeter defenses fail and endpoint security is bypassed, providing the attacker a foothold in the organization lateral movement inside the network is a common next step in a breach or ransomware scenario. 
Through preliminary actions and advanced techniques we know how to perform preventative actions, and stop the attacking hacker a few steps ahead of him.

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