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Today cybersecurity vision will change
Because of the nature of the attacks & the attackers
we need proactive solutions that can detect known and unknown attacks in real time ...
In addition, we need different thinking, & advanced cyber tools, We know how to find the security gaps.


How to manage a cyber crisis ahead of time.
Your organization has been attacked by hackers? Is your information encrypted?
Do you have a plan for incident responding?
Our team experts are from elite intelligence and cyber units.
The intelligent platform includes forensics and tools.
Our experience & innovative platform is the immediate advantage over attacking hackers.
A platform based on advanced AI tools, which know how to provide a quick response in detecting and identifying, and preventing the attack within the organization.
Cyber monitoring and research of the most advanced technologies, together with the IR experts and the advanced technology from a Hacker point of view gives fast and accurate results.
The following elements should be included in the cyber security incident response plan: Advanced Threat Analysis, malware reverse engineering, and comprehensive incident reporting.

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Our cyber intelligence platform brings to organizations cyber intelligence, cyber intelligence gathering, cyber intelligence research, methodology, and consulting. The company's employees are passive and active cyber defense experts with a background in handling incidents of cyber warfare, cybercrime, and cyber-terrorism.
When attacking organizations and IR events we operate in real time our intelligence systems to identify and monitor attackers across network spaces.
·       Real-time critical event alerts.
·       Alerts / targeted information.
·       Weekly intelligence reports.
·       Tracking cyber-attack groups.
·       Detection of assault infrastructure and attempts at impersonation.
·       Technical indicator files accompanying the weekly report.
·       Moving and monitoring social networks.
·       Investigation of cyber incidents.
·       Monitoring domains (domain names) and locating phishing infrastructure through daily alerts.
·       Detection and monitoring of sensitive documents and tracking of leak sites.

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We perform for organizations a cybersecurity risk assessment.
Conducting a risk assessment identifies the various information assets that could be affected by a cyber-attack (such as hardware, systems, laptops, customer data, and intellectual property), and then identifies the various risks that could affect those assets.
By Vulnerability Assessment is designed to evaluate your protection before an attacker does.
is advised when the objective is to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your network infrastructure, applications, product, systems, WEB sites… Our information / cyber security experts try to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify any vulnerabilities in the system defenses that attackers can exploit.
Our platform allows you to test your security assumptions, identify potential security gaps and gain practical insights into improving your security position. It works by simulating multi-vector attacks, internal or external - the result is a comprehensive validation of your organization's current security position.

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We believe that each customer has its own variety of needs, unique employee awareness level, geographical presence, employee mixture, and diverse threats and fears.
We also understand that the organization’s life routine will make it hard for the team in charge of operating the product to give the required level of attention to customize the variety of phishing simulations, analyze the trends and make the best use of the results.
The idea is to transform the employees from being the weakest links in the chain to becoming organizational security assets and to create a proactive environment that encourages employee awareness.
Among many other benefits, the managed service package allows an organization to build an annual plan, fully fitting to organization’s needs.

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